Caught in the Hedge with a Camera!

Oh Dear, I was caught today in the hedge with a Camera! apparently not a good look, or at least so the 'Geriatrician Dr Evans told me'!! but I saw a Bee, well he [the Doctor] is used to senile old patients ;0) Look Large for detail!

I am so sorry for what I said about stopping blip yesterday I didn't think of the ramifications, I had lots of messages and email too through facebook, I am fine, thank you so much to those who asked and contacted me, I am just in too much pain at the moment to keep dashing around the Island doing my self set challenge of 12 weeks in Guernsey, so I have thought long and hard and will try to do a blip a day, but it will just have to fit in with my daily life no driving off or dashing about just to get a blip. But luckily for me today I saw my 1st Bee, and got caught in a compromising position ;0)

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