Steps and leaves, leaves and steps.

I took some random pictures with my phone earlier whilst out walking. This was the best of a bad bunch.

After my walk the house started to drive me crazy! All of a sudden every room looked like a disaster zone! I just didn't know where to start tidying so decided instead that we'd all go to the 'pictures'. We went to see 'Fantastic Mr Fox'. I loved it it was so good!!!
But why is it, that it's not just acceptable but almost obligatory to EAT at the cinema?? I'm not a fan of eating noises anyway, but to hear complete strangers (K knows better than to start chomping in my ear and it doesn't matter if J does cos he's 5), behind me, in front of me, to the side of me all chewing, crunching, slurping and rustling bags of sweets, boxes of popcorn, is just torture to me! Usually, thankfully the food supplies run out about a third of the way into the film and I can then relax.

I recommend this film!!!

Just don't eat the popcorn!!

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