Cakes Americano

This is a reflection of Lincoln's Inn Field in a Pret a Manger window.

There is a Pret a Manger in Holborn on every corner.

I walked across Lincoln's Inn Field this morning and had to negotiate masses of very fit joggers.

I also walked past lots of vending vans as if someone was filming in the area.

Wikipedia to the rescue as usual:

In the 1980s, Lincoln's Inn Fields attracted many homeless people who slept there overnight. In 1992, they were cleared out, fences were raised, and since the re-opening of Lincoln's Inn Fields with its new railings in 1993, gates have been locked every night at dusk. However, although no homeless people now reside, a vestige of their presence is the soup-vans which continue to visit Lincoln's Inn Fields nightly, along the east side adjacent to Lincoln's Inn, providing free food to queues of homeless people who assemble at dark to collect the food and then disappear. The vans are operated by a variety of religious organisations.

PS Yes that is me in the reflection - Countryfiles this is for you
PPS Murphy is fine today, as is the carpet
PPPS He was very good at training tonight

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