Bob and Caley

It was a quick tramp first thing with Bob and Caley while the girls jogged then a desk day. I got through just about what I expected though there is a wee bit of preparation for tomorrow and the car needs reloaded.
Here’s a thought about photoshop and the whole processing concept.
I have heard folk saying they avoid it on principle; the camera doesn’t lie, that sort of thing. But even the camera, in churning out that jpg, has done a bit of work on your image whether you like it or not and most modern devices allow some sort of pre-tweaking ahead of pushing that button. Then you think about the range of light and dark that the human eye can detect detail in. No sensor or film can match that. We can still see the foreground looking in to a bright sky when the camera sees black or white.
You can certainly record facts or events with uncanny precision, how a cooker component is wired up before you take it apart maybe.
If you open photoshop and push a few sliders left and right and you think it looks nice, what’s wrong with that? Less realistic can often convey the situation better, even when it’s done badly.
My defence for today’s tweaking.
Bob and Caley may just be two dogs but when they are running madly after the ball (balls I had two constantly reloading the flinger) they feel like ten. The processing; best viewed small.

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