Sue's Eye View

By SuesEyeView

Unfurling Tendril

There was beautiful sunshine earlier today when I went to feed the birds.

This passion flower tendril caught my eye for today's blip.

I'm feeling poorly just now. My hands are swollen and sore but my doctor is keeping a very close eye on me and is awaiting Tuesday's blood test results. Hopefully he'll be able to start with new medication very soon.


No:1 Bingo popped in again yesterday evening for a quick chat and custard cream but I didn't see her this morning.

No:2 Percy pigeon is recovering well and Roger's Wildlife Centre are doing a grand job with his recovery after being kicked out of the nest on Saturday lunchtime.

No:3 ........ We've seen another property and are heading out, hopefully, very soon to check it out. I'll keep you all posted.

I've turned off comments as I'm having difficulty in typing at the moment, but I assure you I'm looking at all of your journals. Please stick with me until this nasty flare up of my RA subsides.


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