Because this is who I am

By Brighde

Duck Bowls

Just, look at him, he's so adorable how can you even cope? It's official that Wayne is the only man for me. Oh and no, these aren't my bowls I just gatecrashed a photoshoot.

Well, yesterday was awful as I went to Johns to get my things resulting in me crying hysterically and him saying he didn't want me to leave. Tough stuff. Deffinetly feels like the end of an era, as he nicely put it 'You've been in a quarter of my life' well, sort of anyways but its wierd spending 4 years with someone and now your a lonely bean. But hey ho, c'est la vie.

I'm currently at college trying to master my photoshop skills. As of now its going awful as I have just realised how to use brightness and contrast, I think that's the best its going to get. At least I know later on I get to go shopping, finally. I've written a list of all the things so I'm on a mission before I have to get on my bus. There's something about having money that makes my life so much better.

Happy Blipping.

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