My main man

My hero needs no introduction. He doesn't wear a mask or his undies on the outside of his pants. He asks nothing more than daily walks, food in his belly and the ubiquitous ear and tummy rub.

He gives me back so much more than that. Minus the ear and tummy rubs, of course.

This morning, one of our colleagues from the school farm stood up in staff briefing and told us, with great emotion, about a couple of lambs he had just had to put out of their misery. Yesterday evening, some idiot walked his dogs past the school field. They were not under control and they had a taste for lamb. They maimed several lambs before their owner managed to get them to come back to him. These lambs were mutilated.

I know it's nature. I'm not naive. I just don't get how a dog owner can let that happen ...

... and walk away.

No notification.

No apology.

No sense of responsibility.

I can almost guarantee they weren't registered. They usually aren't.

Sorry, rant over. My puppy is currently snoozing in the one tiny sunny spot in my classroom.

I'm about done. Photocopying to do and then out to a friend's house for tea.

Long weekend, here we come. =)

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