Paperdoll Debris

By jesafly

Faery campground.

These fungi (toadstools? mushrooms?) popped up in the garden recently, and seem very happy. I was actually after a photograph of a wind-tossed hibiscus flower, but these caught my eye as I went by, and turn out to be the better photo (less wind-tossed; the hibiscus would either not stay in frame or not stay in focus).

Have you hugged a tree, lately? I recommend that you do. After a variety of frustrations this morning, that at least make amusing stories as the edges have warn off through the day,* and too much coffee, combined to leave me somewhat, er, overstimulated shall we say, I hugged the pohutukawa out back. It is very soothing.

*Including a mis-delivered courier parcel, leading to a 'lucky' neighbour owning a free pair of shoes; bouncing around on-hold from one desk to another at Auckland Council; and a truculent builder with demands, who then decided that actually he didn't need a design change after all.

By the by, I didn't miss the last two days in my 365, but I did have problems uploading Monday's and nearly ran out of time in the 24 hours for Tuesday's.

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