Cute Face

We call this Toby's "cute face". We love it when the light is low, and his pupils get all big and round. it is even better when he is interested in something and he opens his eyes up real big. This evening, after another nice quiet day at home, we engaged Toby in some catnip and a little bit of play. Love seeing my 13 1/2 year old kitty acting like a kitten.

We had a super productive day. We sorted out Sugar's room, and found lots of things to donate. We certainly needed to do this after Christmas and her birthday recently. Feels good. We also managed to put together a fun 3-D lighthouse puzzle that her friend gave her for her birthday.

This weekend, and instituted an hour a day of reading time (outside of bedtime), where she read her book, and I read mine. It was marvelous. She didn't balk about the reading, and I got though to the good parts of Gone With the Wind. It really has me hooked now.

PS. Back-blipped A BIRDIE!

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