Home & Away

By HeidiAndDolly

SNOW! Washington DC, The Capitol Building

Another E-coast snow storm arrived today. Our return flight tonight was cancelled because of it, so we are returning on a later flight and so had a longer layover. As soon as the snow started, I headed down to the Mall to take pictures. I also went to the Air and Space Museum where I enjoyed several hours. I haven't been there in years. Due to the 'Inclement Weather' the museum closed early at 4pm. I was just about to leave anyway.

By this time the snow was coming down fast and furious, and there wasn't much traffic on the roads. I think the Washingtonians were staying home. The only people who seemed to be out were crazy tourists! There was lots of snow-ball fighting going on on the Mall, and some pretty serious photographers taking the opportunity to get some beautiful shots.

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