I was a bit thin on blipping subjects tonight - running too late and not inclined to go messing about dressing up and stuff so I decided to have a go at this ladybird that seems to have taken up residence on the cork of a little bottle in the kitchen.
Bung a calendar behind the jar to provide a white background, get out the diddy but sturdy tripod and plonk that, with camera, on the kitchen counter - switch on the Senseo machine to get the coffee going and take a few shots.
Not bad given the haphazard setup and the rather narrow depth of field this lens gives me!
I now hope the ladybird decides to take up residence elsewhere but shall leave it alone for now.
- 0
- 0
- Sony DSLR-A350
- 1/2
- f/4.0
- 50mm
- 100
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