DIRTY - but not as we know it!

How would you like to wash with Dirty soap? I thought not!

However, when I saw this in Lush, an ethical High Street shop that believes in buying ingredients only from companies that do not commission tests on animals and in testing their products on humans, I immediately thought of DDW's January Challenge for the word DIRTY and once again thought "outside the (soap) box".

After looking in the window for a while, I decided to go inside and ask permission to take a photograph and spent some time with two lovely young assistants, Dominie and Charlotte. After explaining about Blip, promised I would go back in and show them what I had written.

So here you have DIRTY soap - the blurb in their book says: "Minty, fresh and stimulating - no flowers were harmed in the making of this minty soap, created for men, but loved by all."

I didn't actually buy any, but perhaps next time I go into town, I will pop in and buy a chunk for Mr. HCB so that he smells fresh and minty!

I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig.
You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it.
George Bernard Shaw

*****I would ask for you to be gentle and patient with me for a few days. I am suffering excruciating pain in both my thumbs and therefore, am finding typing (and doing other things too) very difficult and painful - so although I will be looking at your blips, I probably won't be commenting. I hope that resting my hands will help and hope to be back commenting before too long.*****

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