Reikes small life...

By Reike

Opinion change

Short summary of my day:
Sleeping long - breakfast with Michael - horse-riding with Tali - eating Subway Sandwiches in Inveresk Lodge Garden - Barbecue party close to the Meadows.

In fact I realized a lot of things today that showed me how much my opinions of how life has to be have changed! Just three years ago it was: Sleeping is a waste of time, now sleeping long is so much luxury. I was wearing a T-Shirt with 15 that had a statement against consum and conformism and now I like Subway and Starbucks...
Cycling home from the barbecue party listening to music I thought: Yeah, with 16, 17, 18, even 25 it really was: Fuck you, I won't do what you tell me! And now it is: Fuck you, I will do what you tell me and I really try to be good at that because I get so much self-confidence out of that.
Me, 16, wouldn't want to know me, 29, I guess.
I would like to see my facial expression aged 16 watching my today-self. Would I just hate me or would I try to hide appreciation for what I am now??????????????????

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