
By LadyFindhorn

Surplus to Requirement!

This morning has been busier than usual for this chatelaine of the castle.
6am - up and out in stygian darkness to accompany my daughter on a pre dawn cycle run. She is graduating from 2 feet to 2 wheels on her daily commute and needs a spot of practice after many years of non cycling. Report - amazing performance!
9am - out for a recce of the the Tollcross end of the Union canal which I admit to never having seen before. It was interesting to see all the house boats and to watch the Leamington Lift Bridge in action to allow a boat through.
10.30 am - Out to pick up my newly mended sewing machine at Bruntsfield and felt justified in a coffee at "Loopy Lorna's" at Morningside.
12.00 - a quick walk along to book a table for a girlie dinner tomorrow evening at Hell's Heller's Kitchen ( Sambuca is shut for a week- how could they!)
12.30 pm - Tried to join the new 24 hour gym at Quarter Mile. I know- I've already said it was better to get out and exercise in the fresh air, but this gym is cheap and will be OK for winter use when it's dark and dismal outside. Unfortunately they require me to provide them with a doctor's note stating that I'm good for age and won't embarrass myself by falling off a running machine and possibly dying on them. My fitnesse confidence has taken a battering I can tell you!
1.00pm - A quick bowl of soup and out to return a library book.

Please can I stop now and read the paper?

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