All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Twists & Turns

Have been feeling slightly more human today, although still got a slight chesty cough. Hubbie & I were supposed to be going on a tour of the labour ward this evening but decided not to go as I didn't want to risk passing on any of my germs to the other pregnant ladies / newborns. Very disappointing though as I'd been looking forward to it.

However, later in the evening, my mother-in-law phoned to say that hubbies Gran had been rushed into hospital with a suspected stroke, but couldn't tell us much else. Hubbie phoned the hospital but they wouldn't tell him much over the phone, only that she's "very poorly". So, as he couldn't rest till he'd seen her, we ended up driving over to Stirling Royal at 9pm! So much for staying away from the hospital!

One of his sisters was there too and it's a 2 visitors per bed policy so I just popped my head round the door to say hello, and then waited outside. His Gran, bless her, was apparently worried about me going in just in case I caught any infection from there rather than the other way around. Hope she'll be ok.

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