Sawing some Z's

Have you ever heard a nuthatch snore?? What a noisy little bugger.
Have you ever seen a bird dangle by one single claw!?! Seriously... go large to see this sleepy bird hanging by a single digit.

Well, clearly, the hanging part is true... the proof is in the pudding, as they say. But, I'll have to admit to stretching it a bit when I claimed that he was snoring... or even sleeping, really... He was still and relaxing, but sleeping may have been a bit of an exaggeration. ;) Made for a cute description though...

It's getting colder again, we topped out at 12 (F) degrees this afternoon and tomorrow is going to be even colder. With the new arctic blast coming and the snow continuing to fall, the birds were stocking up on supplies today. When I stepped out the door it sounded like I was entering an aviary! I love that sound... when everything else is dead quiet and the only thing you hear are birds by the dozens singing, squawking and chirping. It makes me stop in my tracks and just listen for a bit.

Happy Monday (or Tuesday) everyone!

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