
By Rebekah

Birthday apathy

My birthday was really mis-timed this year. Having it the day before my only essay exam of my entire masters degree wasn't ideal. Anyway, the best was made of a bad situation, and at least Ry and I got to have a nice breakfast together this morning before I dropped him off at work :-) .

I spent the day revising in the library with Amy and Mia for company at lunch, which was lovely.

Back home in the evening, and I got to open some amazing presents, including a tripod for my camera and two pairs of leather boots.

Thanks for the birthday loving today I received from various friends and family, it really brightened up my day!

Now this photo is a bit of a cheat on the date, I'll admit. But Bobby's expression wearing this party hat was just too good to pass on; it sums up my day pretty well. Cannot wait for tomorrow night, going out with the girls!!

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