The ewes and their lambs were moved away this morning. I knew it would happen sooner rather than later as the grass growth was not keeping up with demand. Still, I felt sad to find them gone.
For almost two months they have been a big part of my small life. I watched the ewes in labour, and giving birth. I loved to see the lambs take their first wobbly steps, and watch them grow to confident and playful little creatures.
They were used to me and didn't run away when I approached the fence. This was great as I loved to watch the lambs running in the evening. Generations of lambs have galloped along the bank just out from my back garden. Sometimes just a few, sometimes twenty or more run in a pack, leaping and kicking up their heels. I was hoping to post a shot of them, but they only did it at sunset when I had to shoot directly into the sun. The only time I got some fairly good shots I'd already blipped and I was too weary that day to look at what I'd got. You can see a few of them here.
It is going to be so quiet. The almost constant calling of ewes and lambs has been as common as birdsong. I became used to the noises outside my bedroom window at night.
I guess they will be away to the hills now that the weather is getting warmer.
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