Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The Ballard of Shepperton Water

No that's not a misprint. J G Ballard lived in Shepperton and that's where we went for some fresh air on this fine and sunny post-apocalyptic (well, post-flooding) afternoon. Ballard's second novel was called The Drowned World so it seemed appropriate to recall him with this blip of a boat barely afloat in what is now something of a Surrey lagoon. He would have been amused at the thought.

This weekend feels like it has been a sombre Sunday since early Friday evening, but at least the weather meant we could get out and clean the front of the house today.

We took Scout out wearing a cat harness to see if he wanted to get some fresh air but the poor thing just sat down on the spot shaking and wouldn't move, as if his injuries had traumatised him into fear of the outside world. Very sad, he was not relaxed even when we bought him back indoors and gave him food and TLC.

Strange weekend. Need to prepare for a very full-on week ahead at work now.

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