Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman

The rack

I was going to write more about my arrival at the new house, but what I had planned was a lot of whinging. I was NOT happy. I had a quiet word with the landlady about it and all the neighbors came around to see who was being murdered.

Things have settled down now and I am in the process of bringing the house up to MY spec. One of the minor problems, no one’s fault, is the lack of drying space. I tried to attach a line on the outside, but the wood was rotten and unusable. I threw a line across the living room, between two opposite door frames. But, after two days, the washing was still wet, as the weather has been cold and wet.

The only solution that I could see was a stand up rack, of which I see lots of splendid contraptions. So I went to the local hypermarket to sample their wares. Such a feeble display of rickety racks I have never seen or imagined before and so expensive. Only one option remained – build my own.

I could write another page on the design and construction, but I will spare you. Enough to say that I am very happy with the result. It is designed to take my largest item, the bath towel and it is high enough, that bed linen can be thrown over without touching the floor. I could add extensions to the corners to hold linen tidier, but to what point. I could also add two more rails to the current design, or even add a second layer of rails, but this is designed for my needs and this does the job nicely.

The cost was about the same as the market racks, so nothing saved, just the satisfaction of a superior item that does the job. The neighbors all came around to admire the rack. They were probably laughing at me, as you might do too, but I don’t mind or care – I can now finally dry my washing.


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