My Best Efforts - Year 3


Some late breaking news ....

...... Despite Mum not having seen the "main man" (Dracula) or the "go to sleep" man - she has been put on nil by mouth from 03.00 in the morning - it's looking like they are contemplating surgery tomorrow ...... can I PLEASE ask for lots of positive energy and thoughts directed toward Lincoln UK on Monday .... thank you.

(original journal entry follows) Yet another move of wards for Mum ... she's now in the orthopaedic ward - a side room (for now) with a view over Lincoln city - and we have also learned that, with her "condition" she should not have been having the anti-DVT injections they have been administering daily - oooops!!!
To be fair to the hospital, when she was first admitted, they didn't know what the problem was .... anyway, they have been stopped and now we just wait for "Dracula" to come and speak with her.

We spoke on the phone for about an hour yesterday and, although she knows that an operation is the way forward, I know she is getting very anxious about it all .... not surprising really. I will be calling her again this afternoon and will then be driving up to see her on Monday morning ...

The journal entry today is, as always, the one from the same date last year just captured from my computer screen this morning - I know it is also one of my Mum's favourite shots that she has taken for blip.

Thank you once more for all your messages of support - it means a lot to both of us.

Anni aka BikerBear here reporting for Alma.


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