Pink and Greys
Decided to give Mack and Sooty a break today. Off for the w/e and managed to get a lot done so thought I'd sit and take photos of the Pink and Grey Galahs.
I've been putting the old seed from my avairies in a hanging bowl now for a few years and the birds are used to me. I bang the bowl every morning so they know I've been out and they swoop in. I clean the aviary floors once a week and get about a bucket of waste which goes under the bowl on the ground. It's not lawn anymore as they have demolished that.
It's fun watching the birds seeing the pecking order. The Galahs usually have top spot they kick all the little birds out. Evan the odd Crow that comes in doesn't get a look in at the bowl, but when a Corella comes they kick the Galahs out.
I managed to get a few shots I liked and couldn't decide what to submit, but finally decided that I liked this shot of them all taking off. about 3 or 4 times while I was sitting they would all take off as a flock for some unknown reason then they'd come swooping back in for another feed.
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