... there is a freshness, an elasticity in the air, that braces and invigorates the feeblest constitution.
I found one an excellent description of Tasmania's weather this week, written in 1810 by a man named John Oxley.
In the summer tho occasionally very warm the heat is seldom so excessive as to be unpleasant, besides the winds in this season generally prevailing from the north east destroy in a great measure the ardent heat that might otherwise be experienced; there is a freshness, an elasticity in the air, that braces and invigorates the feeblest constitution. Thunder and lightning seldom occur and never in such a manner as to cause alarm, possessing in this particular a decided advantage over Port Jackson [Sydney]; where the effect of lightning has been so frequent and so fatally experienced. In truth, few places in the southern hemisphere can boast of being more congenial to the human frame, and though it may want the uniform mildness that distinguishes Port Jackson, it is certainly more agreeable to our north constitution.
(from Irene Schaffer, 'Land Musters, Stock Returns and Lists, 1991)
That's it in a nutshell. It doesn't have 'uniform mildness', but nor does it have 'excessive heat' very often. Why wouldn't you want to live here? If you need a little extra convincing, large looks even better. And you have to remember this photo was at the end of a hot and hazy day. Imagine it in that clear crisp invigorating winter air that blows out all the cobwebs, is not cowed by grumpiness, and refuses to leave you feeling flat.
Speaking of living here, however, this was also the day we farewelled our minister and his family from our church. They've been with us for ten years, building up the congregations, building a brand new church, changing, adjusting, improving, increasing, growing us all. They've done all they can and it's time for Dave to take his talents to a church in Victoria. It's sad to see them go, we've seen their four kids grow to teenage- and near-adulthood, they've been with us through good and bad times, but it's also exciting to be moving into a new period. I love this kind of change, the kind that could bring anything, and I know God's in it and will help us find the best person for leading our church into the coming years. We had a real celebration of their time here, and send them out with all our blessings.
Apparently this is also my 1095th or 3rd blipday! 3 years, still going. Who'd'a thunk it? Thanks everyone who looks at my blips! I write them for me (hence the terrible pictures sometimes), but it's nice to know there's other people who appreciate them too.
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