Tinkerbell Blues

Tonight a little departure from the norm. No hockey tonight instead the Russian All Stars figure skaters overtook the mighty Clan's ice to put on Peter Pan on ice. I am not usually one for pantomime but as the twins are beautiful figure skaters as well as keen hockey players a little excursion seemed like a plan!!!

The skating was excellent the principles stunning in speed and style. The twins jaws fell, their eyes wide in childish awe at the lights show the music, the skating... their coach was there and at the interval they raced over to be greeted with big hugs and smiles as they collectively critiqued the first act. They decided it had been fab and the excited little people came rushing back eager for the second act.

With flash photography not allowed for the safety of the skaters it ws difficult to get much that was usable but I did like this shot, Tinkerbell gently asking hte crowd to hush as she sadly reflected on losing Peter. Just as I shot the lights dipped and 1 frame, a silhouette with the vibrant blue bathing the ice

I hope you enjoy the shot, I wish it had been something more open to show the beauty of the costumes and the lighting but sadly that was not to be. Maybe next time....

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