DONE A SIMILAR BLIP BEFORE/ I liked the B&W better. Not as good a shot this time.

The reason for the bloods this time (and other tests) is because I asked my doctor last week about getting a gastric band fitted (yes I really am that fat!)

I asked this because with my main medical problems of my back and neck problems, problems walking because of the tight tendons/muscles in my legs, the vertigo and my high blood pressure. These have all slowed me down and exercise is just out of the question when I can barely walk sometimes!

My doctor is putting me on a trial to see if I would be a suitable candidate for the gastric band, tho it's a trial and counselling and a long haul till I get there...

Saying that I did loss a bit of weight as I can get into my old jeans...

The wierdest thing happened last night... I was dreaming I was in a band and that I was kicked out of it, so I was going to prove I could go solo and in the dream I started writing lyrics for a song. Not only that but I was singing the song and had the guitar riff in my head too. I then woke up and it was 3am and I still had all the lyrics in my head, so I wrote them all down! Then I actually finished the song (all in the dark) and went back to sleep!!

Up bright and breezy again today, still in my good mood from yesterday.

I feel really good and am really hoping my depression has lifted :)))))

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