New day - new beginnings

By gudnypalina

My workplace - soon to be former workplace

I still can't quite get to grips with the fact that we are closing the shop. We have been at this location for 6,5 years now, and it will be strange not to go there any more. My mind is trying to come to terms with everything that is happening in my life at this moment, and last night I couldn't sleep. I only got about four hours, and that's really not enough for me. So today when I got home from work, I lay down on the sofa with my cat, but still couldn't sleep. Hopefully next night will be better.

Luckily, there are not only difficult things happening now. My daughter, who has been studying Medicine in Copenhagen, is graduating on the 31. st of January, and we will be travelling to Denmark to attend the graduation. I'm so looking forward to it.

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