
By WeeDragon_J

Winter Cherry

Today I chose my neighbour's winter cherry. It is a sad day in Edinburgh today. I was out in the garden and the cherry just reminded me of my brother's funeral which was a beautiful sunny clear blue sky day in May, and the petals of the pink spring cherry were falling on the ground, over the coffin hearse and over the pupils that came to Jim's funeral.

And today, today the wee one missing in Edinburgh was found dead. Rest In Peace wee one. Today the winter cherry is out, white petals, some petals stuck to the damp surroundings, and the grey sky has been miserable all day and its right dreich. Just miserable.

When I was out trying to take the cherry blip a wee bird came to see what I was up to - just in the background, so zoomed out a bit to include the wee soul. White flowers on a grey sky doesn't really go and the green moss growing on the grooves of the bark too.

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