'Super Sized Moth'

The kids found this inside the house this morning and chased it around with their butterfly nets until they captured it. As they let it out of the net if flew on to the window sill and sat nicely for a portrait.

Dylan suffered an extreme case of eczema this morning, probably from swimming in the public pool yesterday and changes in environment from air conditioning to boiling hot outside. Took him down to the pharmacy this morning to get something to ease his pain and itchiness and the pharmacist advised I take him straight to the doctor as it would need antibiotics to clear it up. He has it down the inside of both arms and on the back of both knees, bust the worst area is just on the left side of his face next to his nose. It has been so weepy that it's formed quite a thick crust and he's been finding it difficult to eat (sorry if you are trying to eat while reading this).

Took him to see my doctor and yes, he required a dose of antibiotics and some special cream to clear it up. Hopefully he will improve more tomorrow the poor kid.

Other news, I lashed out and bought myself a new computer today as my old laptop was heating up so much that I could only seriously run it for around 5 - 10 minutes before having to turn it off to cool down. I've been forced into switching to the dark side and purchased an iMac. Seemed to be very easy to set everything up (so far anyway) and no heat and whirring fan noise to deal with any more. This is a dream machine compared to ol' faithful.

Ahhh, and much cooler weather today, just beautiful.

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