Statement of intent

The carb frenzy of Christmas has inevitably resulted in an unpleasant tightening of the clothes, so it's time to do 'proper' Atkins again; the stricter version knocks the weight off at a gratifying rate of knots. Unfortunately, this means no caffeine and no alcohol.

The no caffeine rule resulted in a two day headache and an ongoing sense of mild disappointment first thing in the morning but has otherwise been tolerable but the no alcohol rule... well, that's more of a challenge.

Whilst I don't want to come across as a dipsomaniac, I do like a drink. It's not so much the going out and drinking that's the issue, it's the habitual bottle of wine that I like to sip while I read and write in the evenings. That's what I really miss.

Anyway, I've managed seven days without a drink in the last nine, the two exceptions being the occasions when the Minx and I went out for dinner with friends and then Izzy's birthday on Monday. However, tonight I'm staying with my good friend Mark and a proper catch up without wine is unconscionable.

So, here's our wine for the evening. Just started, as you can see!

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