
By MaryJo

12 th Man Rally

Today Seahawks fans were being asked to spend a bit of their lunch hour on Friday, Jan. 17, to be part of what organizers hope will be the largest human 12th Man display in this area.

The photo was scheduled for 12:12 p.m., of course. I had a client due at 12 noon. she showed up at 11:55 am, I was waiting in the parking lot and said hop in were going to get a photo. We drove the 3 blocks. Parked and ran into the stadium, up all the flights of stairs and snapped these pictures.

It was said that there were 1500 people who filled out the number 12. This was done throughout the state of Washington.
Seahawks Fans everywhere.

Participants will receive a bag of Skittles, in honor of running back Marshawn Lynch.

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