Through my Eyes

By Kelso

And what are you looking at?

I met some friends through a Facebook Group - all women my age who love photography and birdwatching. We met for the first time today and had a wonderful day together. It turns out they all love dogs, so they came over and met my 3 amigos and they took a million pictures of them, petted and hugged them. It made me so happy to see how other people fall in love with my pack. The dogs loved the attention, and one of the women sat on the couch and Bogan jumped up and snuggled up next to her on the couch, with his head in her lap. She said she was in heaven!

Pictured above is a Long-Tailed Duck - just one of the many beautiful sights we saw today. Very pretty markings up close.

A wonderful day with new friends - really lifted my spirits.

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