
The leave year ends at the end of January (for whatever reason), and it's always nice to be forced to take time off at this time of the year.

Worked in the morning, then picked up some manure and headed over for the allotment for an afternoon of (somewhat rainy) shifting, cutting, mulching and burning.

Very nice it was, too. Fortified by Pfeffernusse which they were selling off for half-nothing at the garden centre, I stayed until it was dark.

The fire was very therapeutic. My Allotment neighbour was telling me last year all about fire days, earth days etc., and to be honest I was more than sceptical. however, It was really very wet today, but the fire took off very easily. I've had much more trouble lighting fires on much drier days with much drier wood.

Evening in with (among other things) those Belgian chocolates that are inexplicably shaped like sea-horses and which they were also selling off.

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