From where i stand!!!

By Dancingninja

Diva Rosie!!!

Do not be fooled by her angelic appearance she's a diva this one!!! She will whine until you take her out, she will demand to sleep under the covers, she will demand to sit on your knee when you sit down, but how could you say no to that face???

After a rubbish nights sleep I ditched the run didn't feel up to it, so back home after first client and slept til the next one, back home popped out with Glenn for a bite to eat, then back out to see my lovely dad and step mum i have discovered they are reading my blips everyday so better tell you how lovely they are!!! where he force fed me lavender shortbreads and then forced me to take them home!!!

Picked up the children came home lit the fire and now being lazy again in front of the fire with the 3 dogs acting as my duvet!!

:) x

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