
By Chook

Back at work

Fitful sleep last night and reluctantly dragged myself out of bed this morning for the first day back at work after five weeks off.

Found three dollars and half a mars bar in my handbag. The day was looking up.

Covering adolescents for a couple of weeks as the regular registrar is away. Predominantly eating disorders and somatising behaviour, which I was dreading, but have had a surprisingly good day. Helps when you have good bosses, a top resident, only three patients and therefore frequent opportunities for tea breaks and games of pool.

Daylight savings started while I was away. The sun set nearly three hours after I left work, leaving plenty of time for a walk and photo hunt. Lots of people out enjoying the longer day.

J is in Sydney for work for a couple of days. I'm in jetlag reduction mode, so it's early to bed.

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