
By Dotty


Not auburn, not ginger, not strawberry blonde, not golden brown - orange.

I think I'm the only woman in the world who dyes her hair mouse. Sometimes I'll dabble with darker mouse, sometimes lighter. Once I thought to hell with it and dyed it bright red. It doesn't matter - within a week (two for the red: it put up a valiant fight) I'm back to orange. I can't leave it orange, because the roots grow in darkest mouse and then it looks as though I've actually chosen to dye it orange and been a lazy trollop who sits on the sofa all day watching Jeremy Vile rather than attending to important matters.

I am, however, the lazy trollop who put makeup on this morning for the first time in forever and then forgot to check if she'd rubbed one eye away before she took a picture of herself...

Charlie was still off school today but definitely on the mend and a quiet day pottering and baking was just the ticket for both of us.

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