twinned with trumpton


Late Night, Early Morning

Another post midnight return home; cycling home at night when it's cool and roads are quiet is a joy.
Another delicious dinner of lamb kebabs, a tomato heavy cous cous and a simple rich chocolate pudding, whipped together and microwaved - the effort to reward ratio is pretty impressive. And a couple of glasses of Australian red. Slightly testy conversation pre-empted by a visit from her ex which unsettled her and then compounded by a couple of ill advised offhand comments by me, but another fabulous evening. January has been a trial as we have little opportunity to see each other and until January ends, we're feeding on scraps (metaphorically, obviously!)

Up at 6.30, and working by 7, the older one arrived at 8.30 and I downed tools to walk up the road with him to school. More time than usual, we didn't hurry as we so often do and we sauntered slowly along the section where the sea is visible. It's always going to be an easy hit if there's nothing else to photograph, and again today proved the point!

Frustrating day at work; IT issues along with fatigue meant by mid afternoon productivity was low; helpfully a colleague called for advice on a tricky case, so I can point to that as why I didn't do as much as maybe I could have.

Then I went to round up the boys at 4; and was dismayed to find that my bike shed had a new lock on it without warning. There has been a 24 hour war of words as I can't get to work on Monday, can't fetch the boys, can't go cycling with Johnny P on Saturday, I appreciate the LL isn't entirely to blame but their ability to resolve a problem (again) seems woefully inadequate.

And helicopters circling searching for 3 year old boy is not good, and was relieved to get the boys fed and into bed.

A brilliant soaring conversation with her for over 2 hours on and off peppered with a brief chat with Paw.

And from a deep sleep I was roused by the older one screaming the younger one had swallowed a small toy; a frantic 3 minutes eventually revealed the toy secreted down the side of the bed. The adrenalin rush kept me away for a good hour; lying in the dark, looking up at the moon out of the window.

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