Shall I be clever?

..and count out 365 baked beans, and write "365" in them with my finger?
..or take a picture of the dates in a calendar?
..or create a glowing wire "365"?
..or what?

Nope, I'll just take another picture of this wonderful scene that you've all enjoyed many times over the last year. I did change my viewpoint by climbing up to the top of the hill..!

Been digging that ditch out again, getting closer to the chicken run now. This should make the track down to the croft a lot drier, and safer (both G and I have slipped over several times).

Phoned the vets as Tanni's paw isn't getting better as quick as we'd like. The wound is still open, and looks a bit infected still even though she's been on a course of antibiotics for a week. He's going to put her out, and have a good look at the wound to see if there is anything inside still that's causing the infection. He'll also do an x-ray of her lower jaw as she is two teeth short. Just to check that there isn't a problem there as well..

Finally. I'd like to thank you all for taking the time to look at, and read my posts. I feel I have some special friends out there in Blip land. I'm amazed that my blips have been viewed 42,000 times..


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