
What a very loud and jolly band of musicians this was. I have absolutely no idea what their purpose was but they all seemed to be enjoying themselves and you could hear them for miles! I think next time I come here, I will have to work out how I can bring my proper camera, my phone is now driving me mad, I think mainly because of the crappy night time ability.

So my work here is done for the time being, the taxi is coming at 6am to collect me. There are good benefits to the ungodly time, I should be home in my house by midday as long as flight connections and the M25 behave themselves.

Yesterday I saw a man selling excellent hats just outside the office. Given my family's love of a good hat I decided to come back today to make some purchases. Obviously today, by the time I had finished my 15th meeting of the day, the Romanian Hat Seller had decided he had better things to do and had buggered off home. So no one has any presents. Just managing expectations.....

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