
By StorksRock

Moor Mead Bridge, river Crane

I have never noticed this plaque on one of the bridges over the Crane in Moormead Park. This is probably because I normally use this route when it's dark... Anyway, it looked quite nice with a bit of reflection in the river behind. I had trouble with making it look straight and avoiding my shadow, which I might have fixed, but I was interrupted by an elderly bloke on a bike who wanted to chat!!

Turned out that he had lived in a council flat in Kew for 40 years, but with the cold winters of the last few years he decided to move because the flat was very cold and expensive to heat. He now lives somewhere in St Margaret's which is nice and warm. He was interested in the Crane and wanted to know more about it. I told him what I could remember, but didn't point him to the Friends of the River Crane website, as he had already told me that he hates the internet!!

Talking of internet enablement, I'll try to remember to add the link this evening.

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