Light & sight

By CameronDP


On the way into work most mornings I drift into the local branch of a (prominent high street newspaper vendor), idling away the final few free minutes before the start of my day's labours gazing at all the magazines on display. And ee by 'eck, aren't there quite a lot? Nowadays, amongst the swollen ranks you'll find a steadily spreading horde of glossy computer, mobile phone and gadget manuals. Every time I look there seem to be more and they have now colonised the entire eastern end of the magazine cabinet.....
.....Really, who buys all this stuff? Somebody must or they would've keep on exhausting global gloss stocks with all these ploddingly comprehensive guides. Do people sit down with these magazines and read them from beginning to end, as if they were revising for an exam? Or do they just dip in and out? I have always preferred the trial and error, button pressing, playing around, approach to learning new things....and that goes especially for shiny gadgets.
Bonus factoid!! The word 'magazine' comes from the Arabic term 'makzin', meaning storehouse.
In other other news, I never did get my face-to-face appointment with a doctor. I had to make do with a chat on the phone. But still, he had some interesting things to say. We'll see how it goes! I am still not quite back to normal - running at perhaps at 92.2 per cent of optimal efficiency!

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