Adding some Colour to the Garden

Still no computer so another phone blip!

I didn't get wet coming home from the hospital yesterday.. just about melted insteed! It was 32c and within a hour of getting home it droped to 15c.

They were pleased with my hands healing . The movement is about the same as last week.

On my way home a older lady came up to me and said twins!! She had noticed the splint on my hand and wanted to know what I had done. She had a splint on her left hand also because she broke her hand. When they did the operation they did damage to her thumb so had to have another operation.

After talking a while.... not sure how it came about.. she had known of my Aunty Nancy who was 103 and past away in November. She was a interesting person to talk to and found out she was in a rest home unit near by and realy enjoyed it there.

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