Wholesome Poulsom

By Mrs77

Wee tootsies

So a trip to the dentist for me today with the wee man along in his pram. He slept for most of the appointment, lulled to sleep I think by the sound of the drill but he did wake up and howl towards the end but one of the very kind dental nurses pushed him back and forth in his pram whilst I had a scale and polish. With super smooth teeth we walked back to the house so a good walk was had.

Another walk later in the day, this time down to Tesco to get my new phone. I don't in all honesty need a new phone but I have become horribly addicted to candy crush saga recently and my old phone was too feeble to run it so I have been hogging 77 phone all the time to play it and he has been imploring me to get a new phone as a result.

I just like this photo as we don't get to see the wee mans feet very often as they are normally covered by babygros, only released for the 10 or 12 nappy changes a day! I think they are quite cute and they are wonderfully smooth on the soles.

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