Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Meeting the lady

I was in Cramlington this morning to see my lovely physio. She has worked out the best way to fit the brace on my knee. My sore shoulders - yes, I know I'm falling apart at the moment! - were assessed and ultrasound and acupuncture applied to good effect.

I had a couple of hours before an afternoon appointment in Newcastle, so I called at this site. Can you see where I am? The sky was very blue and the water was blue - amazing.

Haven't felt too bad otherwise today and I'm looking forward to my next hospital appointment tomorrow.

Clues if you want them:

The notice board on the way from the car park said "Help us keep the lady looking at her best by keeping off the grass" (No comment required!!)

I blipped this same lady last year here.

Try to work out the anatomy and tell me which part I'm standing on.

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