
By LuvU2

New beginnings!

Quite a variety of new seedlings bought and planted today!!

We had quite a fun day working in the little garden! C started off by spraying the two R's with the hosepipe, I was lucky enough to have my camera in my hands, so they did not want to let the camera get wet!

Yippieee ........ or not?

I planted my 22 little naartjie trees in the newly acquired pots, as instructed by Z (MissU2), and before I could finish that, it was my turn to be sprayed with the hosepipe!! Eisch, it was a shocking surprise!! Hehehe!! But I must admit, it was much cooler to work in the garden with soaking wet clothes! The sun was burning the devil out of us today!! ;-)

M, what must I do to make my African Violet bloom again? It lost all it's flowers quite a few months ago already! The leaf has got lovely roots, but no leafs are forming yet either! Is it normal to take so long?

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