A Glimpse At Who I Am!

By georgexx

Am I seeing things?

Had to triple check this! I'm still not sure I'm not imagining that there are two lines! It's a bit of a novelty! I showed my husband this morning and he wanted to know why thy didn't see anything on the scan I had yesterday! I'm not sure he realised that my gallbladder is quite a distance from this part of my body!

I know I shouldn't say anything really! If this is confirmed then its a bloody miracle! 8 years, countless fertility treatments and about to embark on another one! I guess its true that it only takes one!

Ummmm I don't even know what to think or feel now! With Charlotte I knew we were finally going to be parents! Now I'm not even sure what to feel, I don't even know how pregnant I am (if I actually am as I can't bring myself to believe it!) I only did the test as I've been feeling sick for a few days and it was in the house! Eek!

Suppose I had better ring all the relevant medical people now! And get praying that this time it's easier and has the ending we want!!!! Oh my goodness!

Thank goodness for Blip! Had to say all this to someone as can't tell anybody I know in the real world!

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