Mostly Six Five Oh

By nhc

NE 6th Ave, between NE Halsey and NE Weidler

In previous blips I've mentioned how old homes in particular areas are sometimes used for commercial and office spaces. This is an example of an old home that is now used as offices for an accountancy firm. Behind it is a huge McDonald's and directly opposite is a huge Burger King, both have drive-thrus and sprawling parking lots. Somehow this house survived and is a tiny oasis amongst the fast food restaurants. This area of town on the edges of the Convention Center and the Lloyd District is a strange no man's land in terms of identity. There are many pockets like this around central Portland, I find them interesting and try to imagine how they once were when they were full of homes just like this one.

You might remember the crumbling house that I documented over several blips, it wasn't so lucky and the space where it once stood has been turned into parking for the surrounding business. The house stood only two blocks north of the one photographed above.

Sorry the picture's so dark, it was coming up for 5 p.m. and was a hazy evening. I thought of tweaking the image but decided to let it stand as is.

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