
By Fido

Free Choice

My middle son was delighted to tell me about his phonic homework today (he always gets it on a Wednesday and it's due in on the Monday).

"We can do it exactly how we want", he said on the way home from school.

"Adam is going to do it in Lego. Sophie is going to do by laying out pens."

I was a little confused.

I checked the homework diary. It just said "free choice". Not much extra help there then.

We chatted about ideas at tea time.

"I'll write my words out in Irn Bru" said the slightly obsessed boy. I suggested that wouldn't really work.

His big brother chipped in with some ideas; spaghetti, cars, lego mini figures....

Then finally he settled on biscuits. I enthusiastically responded, after all we are in the middle of birthday season and I do have a lump of cookie dough in the fridge. I now totally understand what Nigella means when she suggests making a double batch "because it just makes sense in a smug domestic goddess kind of a way".

"Best homework ever", my middle son declared.

I reckon I'd agree.

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