Capital adventures

By marchmont

Not a cat

Flowers and cats, always good for emergency blips.

After yesterday's add newsI woke up in the middle of the night and couldn't get back to sleep, so I phoned a friend, in Timaru, and a cousin in Terang. The middle of the night here but daytime there. I had a catch up with M in NZ and a great 80 minute yack with J in Oz. What a wonderful thing the phone is.

I then dozed to Naughtie's dulcet tones before it was time to get up and get on the go. A dreich, damp but very warm day, 11 degrees.

Work was the usual round of trying to get work done, answer questions, have meetings. Oh and booking travel tickets. £100+ for a Std single to London. That's this month's budget blown.

Back to choir tonight. I was so tired and it was so cold. We have some new pieces buta lot of old ones. I'm missing doing real choral stuff, like I heard last week.

Home to watch comedy with #2 son. He's cleaned the kitchen.

I have lots of hyacinths. These are ones I planted in the autumn. I love the scent and flowers are always a good blip.

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