When the going gets weird

By Slybacon

Ron Weasley

I've always found getting up after two and a bit hours easier than five. It's staying up that's the problem...

I found myself in quite a chipper mood. I had swithered about hitting the hay and getting up early to finish the rest, but I was glad I'd pushed on and got it all done the previous evening. I was almost de-mob happy after a fairly extended slog of late nights/early mornings.

College was a ghost town. I dropped my stuff off and was on a bus back into town by half nine. I arranged to meet Riot after her dental appointment for a coffee at Love Crumbs (where I spotted Ron Weasley perched on a broken piano, although to be honest, he might be Sidney Stoater for all I know).

Free from immediate deadlines, I used my leisure time to, urm, tidy my room. Which looked like a small nuclear device had gone off in it. I even tried to tidy some of my CDs, which led to me rediscovering all manner of great music that had slipped my mind, like this beauty (I put on a gig for this guy in the Cannonsgate once, he was amazing).

I was going to crash early. I must be used to no sleep now, cause I'm sat here catching up on Blip instead...

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