
By pose

Pea and Ham soup for breakfast. Sunny walk to work. I normally try to work hard every day but today I wasn't feeling it, it was just so quiet. D came in from her first day at jury service to tell us she's been put on a 6 week serious case so she's not going to be here for agessss... cue mayhem. I'm happy for her though as it's weirdly going to be a welcome break for her. She put me in charge of the charity stuff for Naomi house (mainly because I keep telling it's such a sick charity) so it meant I had to count out coffee bean for a jar. I weighed them in the end as it was in the 8000's. I popped to the loo mid work and bumped into lovely Nai Pin's and had a little catch up. Phoned Emma (and the rain phoned Phil several times) on the way home, ate dinner, dropped my salad on the carpet and watched Bake off.

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